30. July 2014

I spent the last couple of days cuddling with Schafi. I haven't seen her in forever so we had a lot of cuddling to catch up to!

27. July 2014

Mommy is leaving for Hamburg today but I will not go with her this time. I will spent the next to weeks with Daddy and his family. Mommy will take part in a sailing course the next two weeks and also has to move within Hamburg. Since the last time we moved was so stressful I decided to stay with Daddy for that time. I also can't wait to see Schafi again!

23. July 2014

Was playing with Mäxle today. He said it would be fine if I ride on him. He then broke a leg :(

20. July 2014

Look what I found! Candy Candy Candy! YEAH! 

19. July 2014

Time to see Daddy again! I'm going to see Mommy's parents today and spent the week there! Let's see what I can do there :)

18. July 2014

Vacation is already over again. I spent the last week in Vienna, Austria. 

The weather was great and there are so many things to see. Also went on a daytrip to Bratislava, Slovakia. Here are some pictures!

14. July 2014

Next trip is already about to begin. After only couple of hours of sleep I was heading to the airport. First time flying. What an adventure! But also the people look weirdly at me... they probably never saw such a cuddly sheep at the airport :)

13. July 2014

Today is the worldcup finale in Brazil and the German team is still able to win. 

Schafi came to visit so we can watch the game and cheer for Germany.

11. July 2014

The days in Denmark are aready over. 
It was a nice time and it was also really warm. Somedays I even wished not to be so fluffy. 

Copenhagen is a nice city with plenty to see and do. Here are some more impressions:

8.July 2014

Since classes are over it is time to explore the world again. Yes even a small cuddle sheep like me has to see the world. 

So today it is time to head to Denmark. Taking the train was fun because the whole train goes on the ferry to have the shortest distance to Copenhagen. 

Also went to see the Little Mermaid today. She is really little :)

5. July 2014

Today I went to the Altonale, a street festival in Hamburg. Unfortunaltly the weather changed after an hour and it started pouring. After seeking shelter in the shopping mall for a while it was time to head back home and watch the soccer game.

4. July 2014

Mommy's final exam is today. Good Luck!

1. July 2014

Yesterday Mommy finished her second exam of the semester. Only one more to go. 

Also it was time for rowing again yesterday. We took the boat for eight people plus helmsman. It was difficult because this time everyone just had one skull to row. It was a rather shaky experience.